Sunday, March 7, 2010

Kick Ass 4 miler + nutrition thoughts

I only ran 4 miles today, but it's better than nothing! I decided that even if I don't make it to Race Day, this experience will at least get me to eat better, exercise better, and feel better!

To wit: lately I think my nutrition has gone down the drain. I looked up "Good Pre-run foods" and pasta was on the list. One slice of Extreme Pizza and a giant lemonade Snapple and I for some reason thought that going on a 40 minute up hill jog would be a good idea. As I'm heading up the stairs to Bernal Hill I start feeling nauseous and the next thing I know I'm projectile vomiting on the stairs. It was disgusting. It was like 2003 all over again. But I digress.....

People, diet is just as important as exercise. You can't get around it. Eat an apple pre-workout. Or some almonds. And hydrate, hydrate hydrate!

Learn from me, and my mistakes. And God knows, I've made a lot of them in this life!

Days until half marathon: 21

1 comment:

  1. Keep it up, Claire! I'll be thinking of you this weekend as I attempt to pound out a hilly 15k for Portland's Shamrock Run! Added incentives = my music man is playing the gig at the finish line + plenty of beer flowing upon arrival. :) Not to mention, I am running as a member of "G Spot" - a team comprised of Guidouxs. Ha!
    PS - One diet/exercise tip I've come to observe is the secret of lite beer - the calories you save really add up! It might be possible to have six-pack abs and drink six packs of (lite) beer - I'm aiming to prove it!
