Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Half Marathon, Shmalf Marathon

We did it! We conquered 13.1 miles in 2.5 hours.

Yesica and I ran the unthinkable. But I must thank mom and dad for coming to cheer us on. From waking up at the crack of dawn, to hanging out in a downtown Oakland coffee shop, to running for hours through the ghettos of Oakland that were transformed into a spirited race atmosphere. We ran past Lake Merritt, past people who were down strapped to oxygen tanks and IVs (dehydration? bonking?) to people of all shapes and sizes working it. Work it, work it! What a great way to spend a Sunday. And, thank you, Gu, I couldn't have done it without you.

Prerace jitters.

The starting line.

Saying hello at mile 9!

Bee bopping by at mile 12!

Sprinting to the finish line.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Why do drugs when you can get a runner's high?

Today I ran 8+ miles biatches!!!!! It took me just under two hours. And I experienced what I had only experienced on long bike trips: the elusive high.

It didn't kick in until right after the first hour. At first I started feeling like I might bonk, and cursed myself for not having Gu (TM) handy (I'm going to write a whole separate entry on the glories of Gu!) Then I started to notice that the trees got geener, the sky got bluer, and everything just had a quality to it that reminded me of....being stoned!

At this point I really started to enjoy myself. I felt like my legs were running but they were in someone else's body. It was like the combination of a mushroom trip and pot brownies, but I knew when the trip would be ending.

So, next time your dealer comes by with your weekly pot or heroin delivery, slam the door in his or her face and go on an 8 mile run through South Palo Alto. Now THAT's a trip!!!!

Days until half marathon: 15

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

All That Glitters...

You know, there's an old saying that you can have a great job, a great apartment, and a great relationship--but only two out of the three at the same time. Oh, wait, that was actually a Sex and the City quote.

Sometimes when you are on your daily jog, you have some crucial time to reflect on your life, and how things are going. Your inner Carrie Bradshaw takes over, to think about life's big or little things, and especially, relationships. A break from the chaos of your office drama, or job hunting, or school workload. What do you want out of life? Are you on the path to get there? Who are the savory or not so savory characters that are enhancing your life, or conversely, providing toxic energy in disguise?

And now, something deep:

"In a relationship, when does the art of compromise become compromising?" Thank you Carrie.

Think about THAT the next time you are on your runner's high!

Miles ran: 2
Sex and the City quotes pondered: 26
Minutes wasted looking up Sex and the City quotes: 20
Days til half marathon: 19

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Kick Ass 4 miler + nutrition thoughts

I only ran 4 miles today, but it's better than nothing! I decided that even if I don't make it to Race Day, this experience will at least get me to eat better, exercise better, and feel better!

To wit: lately I think my nutrition has gone down the drain. I looked up "Good Pre-run foods" and pasta was on the list. One slice of Extreme Pizza and a giant lemonade Snapple and I for some reason thought that going on a 40 minute up hill jog would be a good idea. As I'm heading up the stairs to Bernal Hill I start feeling nauseous and the next thing I know I'm projectile vomiting on the stairs. It was disgusting. It was like 2003 all over again. But I digress.....

People, diet is just as important as exercise. You can't get around it. Eat an apple pre-workout. Or some almonds. And hydrate, hydrate hydrate!

Learn from me, and my mistakes. And God knows, I've made a lot of them in this life!

Days until half marathon: 21

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Procrastination Station

How many of you have come up with an excuse NOT to do your obligatory half-assed, I mean, half-hour daily workout? This week I came up with a million. They included:

1. The car I'm driving car broke and needed to be towed
2. I needed to practice for my upcoming show, which included learning a song by the Knife. And if you've ever tried to cover the Knife, it ain't easy!
3. Catching up on LOST.
4. Catching up on The Office.
5. Catching up on Keeping up with the Kardashians. I mean, how can you keep up with them if you don't take the time to watch it? Sheesh.
6. Dealing with the toilet exploding in our bathroom. Oh wait, that was Lance, not me. Thanks Lance! (Our poor toilet. All those years of heavy use must be catching up to the old girl. Hang on, old girl, you still have a few years in you yet).
7. Reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.
8. Going out to dinner X 2

Due to a series of misadventures this week, I haven't been able to do my daily grind run until 10:30 tonight. But once I procrastinated to the very point where I could procrastinate no more, I sucked it up and went. It was great! And I was lucky enough to get home without incident. I guess it was an off-night with the turf wars.

Pre-run snack: Gummi bears
Days til half marathon: 25