Sunday, February 28, 2010

Can You Work out After Drinking a Beer?

Ah, the burning question. Today I went on a lovely hike with two of my good friends on the cliffs of Half Moon Bay, stopping at the Moss Beach Distillery for a delicious local beer. On the way back I was sure that the pint I drank would be yet another natural excuse not to go for a run. My friend was fading fast (granted, she drank a bloody mary) but I was sure I would join her in napland.

Instead, I got it together and did a killer 30 minute run up to Bernal Hill and back. Man, those stairs are quite a workout! Much better than my usual 30 minute treadmill run.

So, yes, you can get in a workout in after drinking a beer. But, my gentle readers, don't drink more than one or else you will definitely hit the pavement before you can even lace up your shoes. As dad would say, "Everything in Moderation!"

Miles run today: probably about 3
Days until half marathon: 28